Wednesday, February 24, 2016

What you're bond to be..

I took some time off.
I had to figure a few things out, just wonder how well my life's gonna plan out
I'm just trying to stand out
Be the man when you see me your hand comes out,
Hi fives and hugs
you know it's a love; got to thank the man above..
For this life. I know I don't always do right
It's a fight.
It's a war I'll win and one day I'll be on tour
It's a struggle I made it from the rubble in been some of the toughest jungles.
You are who you bond to be, don't take your self for granted so eaisly
Believe me.. 
You're everything you're bond to be I just hope you see what I see.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


What's an idea? Is it just a thought with nothing meaningless behind it? Or is it a future action to be taken? Ideas can eventually turn into plans which could be taken into action which could lead into results. 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Black History Month

To educate those of African Americans achievements in the United States