International Women's Day
She doesn't see the potential in her that I see.Because society as already given her a standard of how it should be.
"She can't do this or that" "she's only good for laying on her back"
Matter of fact, she's much more than that!
What's it to you or me? She can be anything she wants to be.
Whether it be doing make up in magazines, on the big screen, writing poetry, do it whole heartily
Pave the way, no matter what they say.
Double standards, glass ceilings, are just ways they try to take em down..
Never forget who wears the crown.
Queens your throne awaits! It's up to you if you'll get their someday..
Remember who you are and what you mean to this world.
You're special, each and every last one of you.
Some have given life, became first teachers, held us down, other have loved us,
Whether it's your mother, sister, cousin, lover, or best friend..
We must appreciate them and show them how amazing they are from within!