Keep your eyes on the prize! Look forward to better days but better days only come if you act upon them. Set yourself up to succeed in life. Do you ask yourself daily how you can improve? How you can make a difference today for your future? Don't knock yourself or your hustle. Everything you do is a learning mechanism. Even if you fail or it's not the outcome you desire it's a lesson. Today, if you're just going to work; do you have a purpose for going? Can what you learn help you grow at work or outside of work? Can the tools you acquired help get you a promotion or possibly a better job? Today of you're going to school are you paying attention? Are you working towards that degree? Why you there? Today if you're doing nothing, why not start something? That's what everything we do, really dissect it and understand the meaning and purposes behind it! If you're comfortable where you're at then that's okay, it's gonna take a time and place where we're gonna have to decide to act. Make each day a stepping stone for a better tomorrow.
Matthew A. Arrant
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